
Of course, worship is more than just music. Worship is everything we do that glorifies God, the very way we live our lives is worship. On the other hand, the bible is clear that there is something special about worshipping God through music. Psalm 150 lists 7 different instruments with which to praise the Lord covering basically every category of instrument; brass, woodwinds, stringed instruments, percussion, it even commands us to praise Him with dance. It is clear to me that worship music is close to God’s heart and a way that He designed us to relate to Him.

So, imagine again not having access to any. This is the reality for the majority of Christians in Morocco.

Our goal with the Morocco Worship project is to change this. Our first worship album is already under way, but we need your help to make it a reality! Consider giving today to help Moroccan Christians have worship music that is in their own dialect, written and sung by fellow Moroccan Christians, professionally produced, and widely accessible. Even a gift of $5 or $10 can help to create vital resources for the spiritual formation of the underground church.

To be a part of funding the project, click the link on the right to go to our giving page. Be sure to select ‘Project’ under the ‘Apply my gift to’ section and then write in ‘Local Worship Album’ in the ‘Comments’ box.

Worship Album

A year or so ago, I was approached by a Moroccan worship leader. He heard that I had a studio and that I was working on music. He told me he had 14 worship songs written in Moroccan Arabic that were ready to record and release and asked me if I would help him to record and produce an album. I was so excited as this was exactly the type of project I have dreamed of working on since moving here. Since then, we have been working hard not just recording and producing but also making plans for distributing the album and making sure it is accessible for other Moroccan Christians.

The name of this album is, “Bl Aaz Diyalik” roughly translated this means “For Your Glory”. The aim of this album is to glorify the name of Jesus in a country where he is not worshiped. A country where the call to pray to another god is heard five times a day. This album is a declaration that Jesus is worthy of glory and honor.